Our Services

Counselling Services

The first step in getting help.

Individual Counselling

Individual sessions are for one person and provide direct interaction between you and the therapist.  The first session will be an assessment to narrow our area of focus and establish your needs.  Before the session I will send you forms to complete and the information in this form will help me understand your current stressors, areas of concern, and what brings you to therapy.  During the first session I will ask you follow up questions that help  to clarify any areas I may need further information on and together we will outline therapy goals and what you hope to achieve from our time together.

Couples Counselling

Sharing your life with another person can be extremely meaningful and satisfying.  Relationships however, can be complex, and their dynamic is constantly changing as a result of our own growth and life experiences.  Couples can grow tired of their partner’s once-adorable habits.  Others may find themselves falling into patterns of behavior, such as arguing over trivial matters, which causes them to doubt their connection.  Some couples stop putting time and effort into their relationship and struggle to find new ways to be enthused about being together.

Family Counselling

A family has a variety of intricate and dynamic relationships.  Problems might occur when one or more family members experience hardship, there is conflict among family members, or when there is a lack of communication in the family.

Family therapy can assist spouses and children in discovering new methods to deal with their issues, disputes, and obstacles. Many family and relationship difficulties may stem from communication concerns.  Poor communication is not always understood, and counseling can help shed light on the reasons and provide you with the tools you need to overcome your difficulties. The overall purpose of therapy is to assist the family network in functioning as a unit and to provide a better or more supportive home environment for all members of the family.

Spiritual Counselling

Spirituality is the investigation into the self.  It is the science of understanding one’s own self and existence.  Spiritual Counselling has an expanded view of life, recognizing that the world is a complex mystery and it takes into account belief systems, universal and personal energy systems, intuitive psychic realities, karmic interplay, subconscious and superconscious states of awareness, metaphysical experiences, spiritual theology, spiritual presence and higher-self cosmic connections.

Grief & Loss Counselling

Bereavement counseling is designed to assist you in dealing with the loss and death of a loved one.  Death and loss can induce physical and emotional suffering, as well as a variety of emotional reactions.  Complicated grief can lead to dysfunctional behaviors, difficulty regulating emotions, and disturbing thoughts. When a loss occurs unexpectedly or you see a death, you may experience traumatic grief.

Trauma Counselling

Trauma is a Greek word that means “wound” or “soul wound,” and it refers to emotional and psychological wounds.  It, like other wounds, can be healed. 

Trauma involves you directly experiencing an event, witnessing an event, or being exposed to details of the event. Trauma can be acute and arise from a single unpleasant experience, or it might become complex and chronic after repeated or many traumatic events.  Sexual or physical abuse, neglect, divorce, losing someone, difficult birth, motor vehicle accidents, natural catastrophes, and secondary trauma from assisting those in distress, are all prominent causes of trauma.  Trauma is not only what happens to us, but it is also what stays with us.

Health & Wellness Counselling

Physical, emotional and mental health are intricately linked and it is therefore important to also reflect and focus on our physical health and emotional wellbeing when addressing mental health concerns. I have training as a Kinesiologist and over the last decade have spent much time learning about health and wellness and applying the knowledge in my personal life.  These sessions can help you gain knowledge and focus on helping you achieve optimal health and your health or wellness goals.  During the session I will use my personal and professional knowledge to help you; however, I will not give medical advice.  Any changes you intend to make should be discussed with a healthcare professional such as your family physician.

Pre-marital Counselling

The beginning of a relationship is frequently exciting and fun.  However, life events such as wedding planning, career changes, relocations, and the financial stress of purchasing your first home together can cause distress and conflict.  Pre-marital counseling will help you build your bond so that you can confront any challenges that may arise as a couple.  It can also be for people seeking knowledge and strategies to help them handle wedding jitters, clarify marriage expectations, resolve conflict, engage in family planning, and deal with marriage-related family demands. 


Pregnancy & Fertility Counselling

The pregnancy and fertility journey presents many challenges.  Deciding to bring another human into this world is a major lifestyle change and milestone event in life.  There are hormonal changes, physical changes, sleep cycle adjustments, and complications that present during or before the process of birth, which can create distress and discomfort.  Therapy can help you find your footing during this trying period and restore balance back into your life.  When you manage stress and bring the body back into balance and improve your emotional and mental health,  you will be able to achieve your fertility and pregnancy goals with greater ease and enjoy this time rather than struggle through it. 

Career Counselling

Choosing a career may be intimidating. overwhelming, and confusing.  Sometimes we may have many choices or even be in a career but seeking a change.  Career counselling can help you explore your options and prepare you for a transition or the next step forward by providing you with tools and strategies.

Appointment Request

For new clients, please fill out the Inquiry Form and I will be contacting you.

For existing clients, you may discuss with me availability via text messaging to the number provided in the Client Intake Forms.

Alternatively, you can fill out the appointment request form below and I will reach out to if the request can be achieved.  Password will be provided upon request.